Vortrag: "Immunregulatory processes during malaria infection"

Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Wiebke Hansen, Universitätsklinikum Essen, Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Essen

Wann: Donnerstag, 16. März 2017, 17:00 Uhr

Wo: Campus der Medizinischen Fakultät, Haus 10, Hörsaal Kinderklinik

Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Dunja Bruder (OvGU, Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Krankenhaushygiene)

Weitere Informationen: Prof. Hansen is head of the Department of Molecular Infection Immunology. She is interested in the mechanisms that control immune reactions against infectious diseases such as malaria and CMV, but also against cancer. The group focusses on regulatory T cells, that have immunosuppressive functions and play a vital role during the immune response against microorganisms and tumor cells. Prof. Hansens team is interested in using the suppressive potential of regulatory T cells for developing new therapeutic strategies. Key target molecules are Neuropilin-1, CD83 and microRNAs. Using transgenic mouse models they investigate the role of these molecules during malaria, CMV infections and cancer.

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