Cardiac Physiology and Experimental Cardiology Workshop 2016

Was: Cardiac Physiology and Experimental Cardiology Workshop 2016

Wann: Freitag, 16. September - Samstag, 17. September 2016

Wo: Wasser & Schifffahrtsamt, Fürstenwallstraße 19, 39104 Magdeburg

Weitere Informationen: The workshop is the most traditional joint scientific meeting of cardiovascular physiologists and cardiologists. Originated from the idea of a closer interaction and collaboration, the meeting is now a biennial symposium mainly supported by the University of Giessen, the Hannover Medical School and the University of Magdeburg. The organizers strive to provide a forum for young researchers, to get into contact with established scientists and promote interaction. While the meeting in 2014 was headed by the topic “Mechanisms of disease and the road to therapy” thereby trading translational aspects from bench-to-bedsite, this year we aim to provide a glance into clinical problems and follow them into cellular and molecular aspects (from bedside-to-bench). We cordially invite you to the beautiful city of Magdeburg to learn and discuss in one of the city landmark buildings, usually not open to public, how to bring clinical problems to your science.

Please find the full program of the workshop here.

Letzte Änderung: 20.08.2020 - Ansprechpartner:

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