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Current News

Here you can find current announcements, newspaper articles, press statements, radio and TV segments and more about the GC-I³. 

Call: GC-I³ Paper of the year 2023

In 2023 the Health Campus Immunology, Infectiology and Inflammation is again calling for submissions for the "GC-I³ Paper of the year". Please apply until the 31st of January 2024. We are going to award three prizes (worth 1000 €, 500 € and 250 €, respectively) and we are looking forward to your applications!

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Die GC-I³-Paper des Jahres 2022 – angeborene lymphatische Zellen, akute myeloische Leukämie und Atherosklerose

Am 27. April 2023 fand das 3. Nachwuchssymposium des Gesundheitscampus Immunologie, Infektiologie und Inflammation statt, bei dem die drei Gewinner des „GC-I³ Paper des Jahres 2022“ ermittelt wurden.

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Call: GC-I³ Paper of the year 2022

In 2021 the Health Campus Immunology, Infectiology and Inflammation is again calling for submissions for the "GC-I³ Paper of the year". Please apply until the 31st of January 2022. We are going to award three prizes (worth 1000 €, 500 € and 250 €, respectively) and we are looking forward to your applications!

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Die GC-I³-Paper des Jahres 2021

Nachdem die Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen des GC-I³ zum sechsten Mal aufgerufen waren, sich um das Paper des Jahres zu bewerben, hatten die Mitglieder die schwere Aufgabe unter insgesamt 12 Bewerbungen mit einem durchschnittlichen Impact Factor von 8,4 die drei besten auszuwählen.

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Call: GC-I³ Paper of the year 2021

In 2021 the Health Campus Immunology, Infectiology and Inflammation is again calling for submissions for the "GC-I³ Paper of the year". Please apply until the 31st of January 2022. We are going to award three prizes (worth 1000 €, 500 € and 250 €, respectively) and we are looking forward to your applications!

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Mast cells with long fingers and two illuminating mouse models – the GC-I³ Papers of the Year 2020

Im Rahmen seines 1. Nachwuchssymposiums zeichnete der Gesundheitscampus Immunologie, Infektiologie und Inflammation am 14. Juli die „GC-I³ Paper des Jahres 2020“ aus. Bereits zum fünften Mal hatte der GC-I³ im Jahr 2020 seine Mitglieder aufgerufen, sich um das Paper des Jahres zu bewerben. Unter insgesamt 15 Bewerbungen mit einem durchschnittlichen Impact Factor von 7,9 wurden nun die besten drei ausgewählt.

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Career path as clinician scientist in the Else Kroener-Research College Magdeburg

The Else Kröner-Fresenius foundation supports highly qualified young clinicians who, in addition to their daily clinical work, want to dedicate themselves to the demanding task of research. The thematic focus of the EKFK Magdeburg has recently been expanded. Under the title “Cancer and tissue-destroying inflammation – the role of the inflammatory microenvironment”, the college will continue to provide research time for young physicians over the next two years.

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Mast cells: sentinels and high-speed messengers of the immune defense

A team of GC-I³ scientists at the Institute for Molecular and Clinical Immunology unravels a crucial mechanism of cell-cell-communication during the defense against pathogens.

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Call: SFB 854 Development Grants - Seed Funding for Young Investigators

The SFB 854 welcomes applications for seed funding from young investigators. The objective of this award is to provide salary or non-salary funds for young investigators and clinician scientists to help establish their research careers. The intent of this award is to stimulate research in line with the objectives of the GC-I³.

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Prize for best teaching in the M.Sc. Immunology awarded to Laura Knop

Once a year the students of the Medical Faculty of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg award prizes for the lecturers with the best teaching concepts. Laura Knop (Institute for Molecular and Clinical Immunology) has been awarded the prize for the best teaching in the M.Sc. course in Immunology.

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Last Modification: 21.10.2022 - Contact Person:

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